Annual Essay Contest to win a FREE New York Divine Dolls Ragdoll Kitten!
Everyone should have a Ragdoll!
Division I: 8-9 years of age– 400 word minimum.
Division II: 10-12 years of age– 600 word minimum.
Division III: 13-15 years of age– 1000 word minimum.
Division IV: 16-18 years of age– 1500 word minimum.
Your Task
Throughout history and all over the world, animals have brought love, laughter, and companionship to the people whose lives they share.
Owning a pet is a privilege and should result in a mutually beneficial relationship. The benefits of pet ownership come with responsibilities.
Writing Prompt:
Is a young person capable of being a responsible Ragdoll pet parent?
Research all that you can about the health, temperament, as well as the history of Ragdolls. Include what you have learned in your discussion. Be sure to properly cite and give credit where it is due when obtaining information from both primary (preferred) and secondary sources to prove and support your claims, as well as disprove counter arguments.
For those of you who already own a Ragdoll, in addition to the above criteria, explain how your Ragdoll has changed your life and what the benefits of a second would prove to be.
Deadline Date: 7/1/24 at 9:00 PM. No exceptions.
E-mail Address:_______________
Telephone: _____________________
Official Rules
1. To Enter:
The Candidate must provide the information indicated below including Candidate’s name, name of legal guardian, as well as address, phone number, and email address of legal guardian and completed essay starting at 9:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time on June 1, 2024. The completed essay must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 Point Font, and Double-spaced. It must be submitted by E-mail to christine@newyorkdivineragdolls.com no later than 9:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time on July 1, 2024. The entry fee is $10.00 to process the application, in order to cover vaccines and spaying/neutering costs, for the Prize Ragdoll kitten. The number of entries will dictate the number of Ragdoll Kittens available to be awarded, as one per division would be ideal. Payment may be sent via Zelle to (631) 848-4526 or Venmo to @Christine-Lupo. Specify in “Notes” the Candidate’s name, name of legal guardian, as well as address, phone number, and email address of legal guardian. Payment indicates parent/guardian acknowledgement and permission for Candidate to enter and abide by Official Rules of the New York Divine Dolls Ragdoll Cattery Essay Contest. Limit one essay entry per candidate.
2. Eligibility:
This contest is open to residents in the Northeast and Southeast Regions of the United States.
Northeast States included: Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland.
Southeast States included: West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida.
3. Selection of Winners:
Winners will be selected based on how their persuasive evidence (facts, statistics, specific examples, comparisons, expert opinions) supports each reason for their opinion and reflects a consistent point-of-view and sense of voice with counter arguments addressed. Standard English spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and sentence structure are to be used appropriately for each grade/age level. The required word count for each division is provided above. The selection process will be held on or about 8/1/24. All reasonable attempts will be made to contact potential Winners. The Sponsor, NY DIVINE Dolls and Christine Lupo, are not responsible for incomplete or illegible entry information. All potential Winners will be notified by mail, email, and/or telephone and will be required to sign a notarized Affidavit of Eligibility and Release of Liability and Publicity (unless prohibited) in exchange for Prize. If any Prize or prize notification is undeliverable, or if Winner fails to return the affidavit and releases, or in the event of non-compliance with any of these Official Rules, the Prize will be awarded to another eligible candidate. Winner must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when collecting Prize.
One pedigreed TICA registered, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, NY DIVINE Dolls Ragdoll Kitten will be awarded. The Winner is fully responsible for all stipulations, guidelines, and future expenses in the form of kitten care as per the NY DIVINE Dolls Ragdoll Cattery Kitten Contract that shall be signed before the kitten is released to the Winner. All costs and expenses associated with Prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided, including but not limited to lodging, transportation costs, meals, gratuities, and other expenses incurred in accepting the Prize are the sole responsibility of the Winner. The Prize is non-transferrable and non-assignable, with no cash redemption except at Sponsor’s sole and absolute discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Prize with one of comparable or greater value at its sole and absolute discretion.
New York Divine Dolls Ragdoll Cats and Kittens for saleWinners assume all liability for any injuries, claims, loss, or damages, (including without limitation, death, personal injury and/or disability) caused or claimed to be caused by Winner(s) participation in the Promotion and/or the acceptance and/or use of any prize, prize-related travel, and/or activities, and Winner hereby releases from any such liability, the Sponsor, NY DIVINE Dolls Ragdoll Cattery, Christine Lupo, and each of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, and advertising and promotion agencies, and all of their respective employees, directors, agents, officers, and those directly involved in the development, production, implementation, and distribution of this promotion (collectively “Releasees”). Releasees are not responsible for technical, hardware, software, telecommunications, network, electronic, computer, or telephone malfunctions of any kind for failed, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, garbled, or delayed electronic communications caused by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in this Promotion, or by any human or other error which may occur in the processing of the entries; or for entries that are stolen, illegible, incomplete, misdirected, lost, late, damaged, or have fees due. By accepting a prize, Winners agree that Sponsor, NY DIVINE Dolls Ragdoll Cattery and Christine Lupo (except where prohibited by law) may use Winners’ name, city, state, likeness, and/or voice for purposes of advertising, promotion, and publicity without additional compensation or notice, including but not limited to publishing Winners’ identity on a Winner’s list that may be requested by the public pursuant to Section 6 below. Anyone who attempts to defraud Sponsor will be prosecuted and will result in disqualifications and forfeiture of prize.
A copy of the Winner’s list or official rules may be obtained by request via email at info@newyorkdivineragdolls.com. Requests must be received by 8/1/24.
NY DIVINE Dolls Ragdoll Cattery, Nesconset, NY 11767. Void where prohibited by law. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.
Check our availability for Ragdoll kittens for sale!